Imagine a Permaculture World

Wednesday & Saturday Work Parties
Come visit us from 10AM to Noon at:
526 SE Bayshore Dr,
Oak Harbor, Washington 98277
Bring any tools, gloves and laughter you can muster up, music is on site.
We need organic-non GMO seeds, trowels and if you would like to donate flowers to plant we would love it!
Note: Our work parties are always weather permitting. Please bring any foul weather clothes, and sun block.
526 SE Bayshore Dr,
Oak Harbor, Washington 98277
Wed: 10:00am - 1:00pm
Sat: 10:00am - 1:00pm
SPRING WORK HAS BEGUN: Our parties are always weather permitting.
Bring any tools, gloves and laughter you can muster up, music is on site.
We need organic-non GMO seeds, trowels and if anyone would like to donate flowers to plant we would love it!

Spring is here and that means so is Spring Cleaning!
Clean out that cluttered garden shed, or make room for something new this season by donating to your island community food forest.
We are gladly accepting donations of gently loved:
Garden Donation Event
April 20, 2017
* Gardening Gloves
* Terracotta / Ceramic Pots
* Tools
* Outdoor Furniture
* Nature / Garden-themed Art
* Organic non-GMO Seeds